“Bhoot Mandali” is an exciting horror-comedy web series produced by Pragya Films, shot in Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh. Directed by Dev Paswan, the show stars Anuj Kumar in the lead role, supported by actors like Gobind Namdev, Neeraj Sood, and Leena Jumani. Anuj Kumar, known for his performances in “Boyss Toh Boyss Hai” and “Pakauu,” brings a fresh, dynamic presence to the series.
Anuj Kumar: A Rising Star in Bollywood
Anuj Kumar hails from Sahebganj, Jharkhand, and his journey to Bollywood has been remarkable. Originally from an educated family, he was initially inclined toward becoming an IAS officer. However, his love for acting was kindled during his time with Natya Kala Manch in Delhi. His decision to pursue acting stems from a childhood experience where a circus clown’s performance left a lasting impact on him. This experience ultimately led him to the entertainment industry.
Anuj Kumar: A Rising Star in Bollywood
Anuj Kumar has previously shared the screen with prominent actors like Rajkummar Rao, Gulshan Grover, and Divya Dutta in films like “Boyss Toh Boyss Hai” and “Pakauu.” His performances in television shows such as “India’s Most Wanted” and “Office Office” have garnered him a significant following.
What to Expect from “Bhoot Mandali”?
In “Bhoot Mandali,” Anuj will present a thrilling and comedic character that promises to entertain audiences. The web series offers a unique blend of horror, comedy, and romance, making it an eagerly anticipated release on OTT platforms. The show also features an impressive supporting cast, including Mukesh Bhatt, Parish Singh, Ajay Pal, and Pooja Saxena.
Bhoot Mandali, Anuj Kumar, horror-comedy web series, Pragya Films, Dev Paswan, OTT platform, Gobind Namdev, Neeraj Sood, Bollywood actor, Sahebganj Jharkhand, Natya Kala Manch, Bollywood rising star.