Sushant Singh Rajput, Parineeti Chopra, Vaani Kapoor, and Rishi Kapoor featured in Shuddh Desi Romance which received positive reviews for the cast’s outstanding work. Today marks the tenth anniversary of Shuddh Desi Romance, and Parineeti Chopra reflected on the enjoyable times she had with her co-stars while filming the movie. She recalled the late stars Rishi Kapoor and Sushant Singh Rajput.
Parineeti Chopra posted a video on her Instagram account on Wednesday commemorating 10 years of Shuddh Desi Romance. The video included both movie scenes and behind-the-scenes footage. Parineeti stated in her caption that even though the movie has been out for ten years, the sweet moments from the set and the good times are still vivid in her mind. “Time really flies! A decade to this film but the memories are still fresh. This movie was a journey full of laughter, hectic shoots but heartwarming moments,” she wrote.
She further continued, “What an experience shooting this film with such legendary actors. Rishi sir, we miss you. Sushant, miss you even more. You were one of my favourite co-stars. #10YearsOfSuddhDesiRomance
In honour of the movie’s tenth anniversary, Vaani Kapoor also shared a poster for Shuddh Desi Romance on her Instagram stories. Keep Notifications On And Stay Tuned Divya Drishti Player !